Aqua Babies Program (5-24 months)
Our signature baby program is easily one of our favourite things to witness! We watch caregivers and babies fall in love with the water and the bonding experience it gives them. Joining Aqua babies as soon as you can is the best thing you can do to lay a solid foundation for your child’s swim journey. It will help them learn different swimming skills and techniques more easily as they get older.
What to expect from Aqua Babies?
A strong focus on water safety for both caregiver and baby
To build confidence through repetition and routines
Bonding time where both caregivers and babies are in the water!
Meet other caregivers, create long-lasting friendships! We get close!
A safe environment, questions are encouraged!
30 minutes of pure joy, once a week
Benefits of our Aqua Babies Program?
Accelerated cognitive development
Mind to muscle connection (babies learn to associate words to action much quicker)
Socialization with other caregivers
Socialization with other babies
Stronger muscle development
Aqua Babies are way less likely to develop fear around the water as they have become used to the sensations, trusting, and the environment (most kids start developing fear at age 2)
Learn tangible skills you can take home with you to practice in the tub
We hear that our Aqua babies take the best naps… just saying.
Your baby will come out of the program physically and mentally ready to begin learning independently!
How Can I best prepare for my Aqua Babies Class?
Be sure to purchase our leak-proof Happy Nappy swim diaper from our Aqua Shop so you never have to worry
Read the email that has been sent to you prior to your class outlining everything you need to know
Make sure you (the caregiver) have a swim suit that you can move in comfortably
We encourage you to practice getting baby comfortable in the bathtub
We will take care of the rest, just show up!
Fill out the Registration Form to create a portal account
Do not select "Enroll in classes" or "Select classes"
The form asks for payment info, but you will NOT be charged until you enroll
You will receive an email when this is complete!
Log in to your portal and click "Find Classes"
Click "Find Classes for all ages"
Click "Add a filter" to filter your search for classes by session, location, or day of the week
Once you add a class to cart, check out immediately and click "pay now" as it will not hold the spot in your cart.
You'll receive a confirmation that your enrollment was successful!
Closer to the session, the office will email with any information you need to know!
Reach out to if you need anything!