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Class Duration: 30 minutes, daily, Monday-Friday

Levels: Aqua Babies-Ready Set Swim Level 12

Class Sizes: Private 1:1, Semi-Private 2:1 (max 2 years apart and max 1 level apart)


Location Options: 

Your Own Backyard Pool Lessons (Enrollment: April 7th)

Outdoor River Heights Location (Enrollment: March 24th)

Outdoor Garden City (Enrollment: March 24th)

*NEW* Outdoor Van Hull (River Park South) Location (Enrollment: March 24th)

Outdoor West St. Paul Location (Enrollment: March 24th)

*NEW* Outdoor Charleswood Location (Enrollment: March 24th)

Winnipeg Beach- Camp Massad Pool (Enrollment: March 24th)

*NEW* Outdoor Sage Creek (Enrollment: March 24th)

Kenaston Location (Enrollment: March 17th)


Session Dates:

Week 1: June 30- July 4th (no lessons July 1st) 

Week 2: July 7th- July 11th

Week 3: July 14th- July 18th

Week 4: July 21st-July 25th 

Week 5: July 28th- August 1st

Week 6: August 4th- August 8th (no lessons August 4th)

Week 7: August 11th- August 15th

Week 8: August 18th- August 22nd

Week 9: August 25th-August 29th


Session Costs: 

Your OWN Pool: Private 1:1- $325, Semi-Private 2:1- $225

Outdoor Location: Private 1:1- $300, Semi-Private 2:1- $200

Winnipeg Beach: Private 1:1- $300, Semi-Private 2:1- $200

Kenaston Location: Private 1:1- $300, Semi-Private 2:1- $200

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